Pix management
Get Pix
Endpoint to retrieve a Pix through an e2eId
This endpoint returns only information about received Pix.
GET /v2/pix/:e2eId
The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.
- 🟢 200
- 🟢 200
- 🔴 400
- 🔴 500
"endToEndId": "E12345678202009091221abcdef12345",
"txid": "cd1fe328c875481285a6f233ae41b662",
"valor": "100.00",
"horario": "2020-09-10T13:03:33.902Z",
"infoPagador": "Reforma da casa",
"devolucoes": [
"id": "000AAA111",
"rtrId": "D12345678202009091000abcde123456",
"valor": "11.00",
"horario": {
"solicitacao": "2020-09-10T13:03:33.902Z"
"type": "https://pix.bcb.gov.br/api/v2/error/AcessoNegado",
"title": "Acesso Negado",
"status": 403,
"detail": "Requisição de participante autenticado que viola alguma regra de autorização."
"endToEndId": "E12345678202009091221ghijk78901234",
"txid": "5b933948f3224266b1050ac54319e775",
"valor": "200.00",
"horario": "2020-09-10T13:03:33.902Z",
"infoPagador": "Revisão do carro"
"nome": "pix_nao_encontrado",
"mensagem": "Nenhum pix encontrado para o identificador informado"
"nome": "erro_aplicacao",
"mensagem": "Ocorreu um erro ao buscar o pix"
Get received Pix
Endpoint to Get multiple Pix received.
GET /v2/pix
This endpoint offers filters to narrow down the results. All filters are of type query params, therefore they should be sent via URL, as exemplified in the code snippet below./v2/pix?inicio=2020-04-01T00:00:00Z&fim=2020-04-01T23:59:59Z
and fim
filters define a date range in which the Pix transactions must be included to be returned. These filters are mandatory.Responses
The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.
- 🟢 200
- 🔴 400
- 🔴 500
"parametros": {
"inicio": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fim": "2022-12-31T23:00:00.000Z",
"paginacao": {
"paginaAtual": 0,
"itensPorPagina": 100,
"quantidadeDePaginas": 2,
"quantidadeTotalDeItens": 150
"pix": [
"endToEndId": "E182361232022110114206014506ed00",
"txid": "465669b3847d4a30ae14848c5d4d1683",
"valor": "0.01",
"chave": "5f84a4c5-c5cb-4599-9f13-7eb4d419dacc",
"horario": "2022-11-01T14:20:41.425Z"
"endToEndId": "E18236129202210311159s01f572d8b1",
"txid": "0002712070000000000000209BONAE2",
"valor": "5.00",
"chave": "5f84a4c5-c5cb-4599-9f13-7eb4d419dacc",
"horario": "2022-10-31T11:59:13.220Z"
"endToEndId": "E18236126202210091755s13093ea838",
"txid": "fc9a4386fefdh964b5dbc6c91a8722d5",
"valor": "0.02",
"chave": "5f84a4c5-c5cb-4590-9f13-7eb4d419dacc",
"horario": "2022-10-19T17:56:09.173Z",
"devolucoes": [
"id": "fc9a4386fefdh964b5dbc6c91a8722d5",
"rtrId": "D09089556202210191757eeb3cf6972c",
"valor": "0.01",
"horario": {
"solicitacao": "2022-10-19T17:57:02.000Z",
"liquidacao": "2022-10-19T17:57:03.000Z"
"status": "DEVOLVIDO"
"id": "fc9a4386fefdh964b5dbc6c91a8722d6",
"rtrId": "D09089356002210191757c95a3620972",
"valor": "0.01",
"horario": {
"solicitacao": "2022-10-19T17:57:33.000Z",
"liquidacao": "2022-10-19T17:57:35.000Z"
"status": "DEVOLVIDO"
"nome": "valor_invalido",
"mensagem": "Campo de data fim deve ser maior ou igual ao campo de data inicio"
"nome": "erro_aplicacao",
"mensagem": "Ocorreu um erro ao buscar pix recebidos"
Refund request
This is the endpoint used to request a refund using the Pix's e2eId
and the refund's refund ID
. The reason attributed to the PACS.004 will be "Refund requested by the receiving user of the original payment", with the code "MD06", as stated in the RTReason tab of the PACS.004 in the Pix Message Catalog.
PUT /v2/pix/:e2eId/devolucao/:id
The responses below represent Success(201) and consumption failures/errors.
- 🟢 201
- 🔴 400
- 🔴 409
- 🔴 500
"id": "123456",
"rtrId": "D12345678202009091000abcde123456",
"valor": "7.89",
"horario": {
"solicitacao": "2020-09-11T15:25:59.411Z"
"nome": "pix_nao_encontrado",
"mensagem": "Nenhum pix encontrado para o identificador informado"
"nome": "devolucao_id_duplicado",
"mensagem": "O id informado já foi utilizado em outra devolução"
"nome": "erro_aplicacao",
"mensagem": "Ocorreu um erro ao solicitar devolução"
Sending the Refund by id
through the endpoint PUT/v2/pix/:e2eId/devolucao/:id
You can simulate the rejection of the refund using the value of R$ 0.01. These refunds will be rejected and notified to simulate the production flow. Refunds with values other than R$ 0.01 will follow the normal refund flow with several other validations. If they are in compliance, they will be confirmed and notified, simulating the production flow.
Get refund
Endpoint to retrieve a refund through a Pix's e2eId
and the refund ID
GET /v2/pix/:e2eId/devolucao/:id
The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.
- 🟢 200
- 🟢 200
- 🔴 400
- 🔴 500
"id": "123456",
"rtrId": "D12345678202009091000abcde123456",
"valor": "7.89",
"horario": {
"solicitacao": "2020-09-11T15:25:59.411Z"
"id": "502",
"rtrId": "D12345678202011111000fghij789012",
"valor": "20.00",
"horario": {
"solicitacao": "2020-09-11T15:25:59.411Z"
"status": "NAO_REALIZADO",
"motivo": "Negado por timeout"
"nome": "devolucao_nao_encontrada",
"mensagem": "Nenhuma devolução encontrada para o identificador informado"
"nome": "pix_nao_encontrado",
"mensagem": "Nenhum pix encontrado para o identificador informado"
"nome": "erro_aplicacao",
"mensagem": "Ocorreu um erro ao buscar devolução"
Retrieving a Refund Sent by id
through the endpoint GET/v2/pix/:e2eId/devolucao/:id
It is possible to query information about a refund simulated by the Refund Sending endpoint in the testing environment.
The functionality occurs exactly as in the production environment.