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Consumption Limits

This page contains information about the consumption limits of the endpoints with PUT and POST methods of the Pix Efí API, so that you can use our services in the best possible way.

The endpoints with PUT and POST methods from our Pix API are subject to a limit of 500 requests per second. This change aims to guarantee the stability and performance of our platform, ensuring a better experience for all our customers

Recommendation: To avoid service interruptions and ensure that your integrations run smoothly, we suggest that you optimize the sending of requests by distributing them over time, especially in high-demand scenarios. This can be done by implementing asynchronous queues or retry mechanisms with variable intervals.

Below, we'll describe all the endpoints with PUT and POST methods available for consumption.

Immediate charges

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
POST /v2/cob500
PUT /v2/cob/:txid500

Due Charges

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
PUT /v2/cobv/:txid500

Payment and Send Pix

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
PUT /v2/gn/pix/:idEnvio500
POST /v2/gn/qrcodes/detalhar500
PUT /v2/gn/pix/:idEnvio/qrcode500

Pix management

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
PUT /v2/gn/pix/:e2eid/devolucao/:id500

Payload Locations

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
POST /v2/loc500

Batch charges

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
PUT /v2/lotecobv/:id500

Pix payment split

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
POST /v2/gn/split/config500
PUT /v2/gn/split/config/:id500
PUT /v2/gn/split/cob/:txid/vinculo/:splitConfigId500
PUT /v2/gn/split/cobv/:txid/vinculo/:splitConfigId500


Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
PUT /v2/webhook/:chave500

Efí Exclusive Endpoints

Endpoint (Base route)Requisition limit/s
POST /v2/gn/evp500
PUT /v2/gn/config500
POST /v2/gn/infracoes/:idInfracao/defesa500
POST /v2/gn/relatorios/extrato-conciliacao500