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Payload Locations

The following set of endpoints is intended to handle configuration and removal of locations for payload usage.

Create payload location

Endpoint to create a payload location. Required to send the tipoCob attribute with the value COB or COBV in the request body.

POST /v2/loc
Requires authorization for the scope: payloadlocation.write


"tipoCob": "cob"


The responses below represent Success(201) and consumption failures/errors.

"id": 66,
"location": "",
"tipoCob": "cob",
"criacao": "2021-01-15T20:13:39.462Z"

Get registered locations

Endpoint to retrieve registered locations.

GET /v2/loc
Requires authorization for the scope:


To obtain the result of the location query, it is necessary to provide the parameters inicio and fim, as shown in the code snippet below. These parameters restrict the results to the locations within that date range.



The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

"parametros": {
"inicio": "2022-01-22T16:01:35.000Z",
"fim": "2024-01-22T16:01:35.000Z",
"paginacao": {
"paginaAtual": 0,
"itensPorPagina": 100,
"quantidadeDePaginas": 3,
"quantidadeTotalDeItens": 215
"loc": [
"id": 1,
"location": "",
"tipoCob": "cob",
"criacao": "2022-11-12T18:42:05.000Z"
"id": 2,
"location": "",
"tipoCob": "cobv",
"criacao": "2022-11-12T18:32:10.000Z",
"txid": "31a0baG77448041d64352h4523459"
"id": 3,
"location": "",
"tipoCob": "cob",
"criacao": "2022-11-12T18:25:36.000Z",
"txid": "31a0ba6a7a80g8d64352345334e5h7"

Retrieve payload location

Endpoint to retrieve payload location

GET /v2/loc/:id
Requires authorization for the scope:


The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

"id": 7716,
"txid": "fda9460fe04e4f129b72863ae57ee22f",
"location": "",
"tipoCob": "cobv",
"criacao": "2020-03-11T21:19:51.013Z"

Generate QR Code from location

Endpoint to Generate QR Code from a location.

GET /v2/loc/:id/qrcode
Requires authorization for the scope:


The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

Attention: The Preview link only works for Pix charges issued in a production environment.

"qrcode": " SA6010OURO PRETO62070503***63047CB1", // BRCode ou copia e cola
"imagemQrcode": " vMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCA0NSA0NSIgc2hhcGUtcmVuZGVyaW5nPSJjcmlzcEVkZ2VzIj48cGF0aCBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBkPSJNMCAwaDQ1djQ1SD..." ,
"linkVisualizacao": ""

Responsive Link for Pix Charge

Endpoint used to unlink a charge from a location.

If successfully executed, the loc entity will no longer have a txid, as it did before the call. Additionally, the cob or cobv entity associated with the unlinked txid will also no longer have a location. This operation does not change the status of the cob or cobv in question.

DELETE /v2/loc/:id/txid
Requires authorization for the scope: payloadlocation.write


The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

"id": 2316,
"location": "",
"tipoCob": "cob",
"criacao": "2020-05-31T19:39:54.013Z"