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Efí Exclusive Endpoints

The endpoints listed in this section aim to facilitate the use of the Pix API for Efí clients. With the following endpoints, you can obtain and modify information from your account directly through the API, according to the needs of your integration.

Create EVP Key

Endpoint used to create a random Pix key (evp).

POST /v2/gn/evp
Requires authorization for the scope: gn.pix.evp.write


The request sent to this endpoint does not require a body, only the OAuth authorization headers and the account certificate, just like the previous endpoints.


The responses below represent Success(201) and consumption failures/errors.

"chave": "345e4568-e89b-12d3-a456-006655440001"

List EVP Keys

Endpoint used to list random Pix keys (evp). The listing will only show keys of the random type.

GET /v2/gn/evp
Requires authorization for the scope:


The request sent to this endpoint does not require a body, only the OAuth authorization headers and the account certificate, just like the previous endpoints.


The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

"chaves": [

Remove EVP Key

Endpoint used to remove a random Pix key (evp). It is important to note that, when removing a random key, it will not be possible to create it again because the uuid is generated by DICT and each registration request results in a different hash. This means that charges created for the removed key can no longer be paid because the payload will no longer be returned.

DELETE /v2/gn/evp/:chave
Requires authorization for the scope: gn.pix.evp.write


The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

Removed random key.

Get Account Balance

Endpoint designed to check the balance in your Efí account. You can enable the scope in the settings of your application in your Efí account.

GET /v2/gn/saldo/
Requires authorization for the scope:


The request sent to this endpoint does not require a body, with the option to specify the bloqueios parameter as true or false, as shown in the code snippet below. This parameter displays or hides balances blocked by MED or judicial action.



The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.

//Bloqueios = true
"saldo": "100.00",
"bloqueios": {
"judicial": "0.00",
"med": "0.00",
"total": "0.00"

Create/modify account settings

Endpoint designed to create and modify account settings related to the API client.

Through this endpoint, you can define whether you want to exclusively receive a Pix through a transfer via key (receberSemChave = false), or allow receipts also through bank data (receberSemChave = true). In addition to the account configuration, it can also be used to modify Pix receipt settings associated with a specific key, such as allowing receipt without a txid, or blocking receipt by document type CPF or CNPJ, for example, and tariff and/or payer information in the webhook.

Configuration to block receipt when the Debtor's document is different from the Payer's document

  • This configuration ("documentoPagadorIgualDevedor": true) validates both CPF and CNPJ, that is, it verifies the payer's document.
  • It is a configuration applied at the key level, that is, there can be a key with the configuration enabled (true), another with the configuration disabled (false) and a third without the configuration defined, being interpreted as false.
  • When the configuration is "documentoPagadorIgualDevedor": true, for any COB or COBV payment received in this key, the payer's CPF is compared with the debtor's CPF specified when issuing the charge.
    • If the CPFs are different, the payment will not be made, and the charge will remain in active status, and can only be paid by the person defined as the debtor.
    • If the CPFs are the same, the payment will be completed normally.
  • If the configuration is "documentoPagadorIgualDevedor": true, but the COB does not have the debtor field filled in, the payment will be made normally. However, this case does not occur for COBV, as the debtor field is mandatory in COBV, ensuring that documents are checked.

For more information about this endpoint, visit the Module 5.1 of our online course.

PUT /v2/gn/config
Requires authorization for the scope: gn.settings.write


"pix": {
"receberSemChave": true,
"chaves": {
"355e4568-e89b-1243-a456-006655440001": {
"recebimento": {
"txidObrigatorio": false,
"recusarTipoPessoa": "PF",
"qrCodeEstatico": {
"recusarTodos": false
"documentoPagadorIgualDevedor": true,
"webhook": {
"notificacao": {
"tarifa": true,
"pagador": true
"notificar": {
"pixSemTxid": true
"envio": {
"webhook": {
"notificacao": {
"tarifa": true,
"favorecido": true


The responses below represent Success(204) and consumption failures/errors.

Configurações criados / modificadas

List account settings

Endpoint used to list the settings defined in the account.

GET /v2/gn/config
Requires authorization for the scope:


The request sent to this endpoint does not require a body, only the OAuth authorization headers and the account certificate, as with the previous endpoints.Responses

The response below represent Consumption Success (200).

"pix": {
"receberSemChave": true,
"chaves": {
"355e4568-e89b-1243-a456-006655440001": {
"recebimento": {
"txidObrigatorio": true,
"recusarTipoPessoa": "PF",
"qrCodeEstatico": {
"recusarTodos": false

List account MED infractions

Endpoint to list open violations on an account.

GET /v2/gn/infracoes
Requires authorization for the scope:


The code snippet below illustrates the consumption of the endpoint in a request with as few parameters as possible (the inicio and fim date range) and the format in which these parameters should be passed on.



The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.


"chave": "", //OPTIONAL
"status": "ABERTA", //ENUM["ABERTA", "ACEITA", "CANCELADA_EFI", "CANCELADA_EFI", "EM_DEFESA", "REJEITADA"]"razao":"Solicitacao de devolução",
"tipoSituacao": "golpe", //OPTIONAL. ENUM["golpe", "aquisição da conta", "coerção", "acesso fraudulento", "outro", "desconhecido"]
"tipoFraude": "aplicativo fraudulento", //OPTIONAL.
"comentario": "Transação feita através de Qrcode falso em boleto", //OPTIONAL
"defesa": "Comentario de defesa", //OPTIONAL
"justificativaAnalista": "Não foi identificado a fraude", //OPTIONAL
"recebimentoDefesa": "2023-12-22T16:01:35Z", //OPTIONAL
"finalizacao": "2023-12-22T16:01:35Z" //OPTIONAL
"nomeParticipante":"BANCO XYZ",
"nome":"Fulano de Tal",
"nomeParticipante":"Efí S/A",
"nome":"Fulano de Tal",

Request Reconciliation Extract

Endpoint for requesting a reconciliation extract.

POST /v2/gn/relatorios/extrato-conciliacao
Requires authorization for the scope: gn.reports.write


"dataMovimento": "2023-12-15",
"tipoRegistros": {
"pixRecebido": true,
"pixEnviadoChave": true,
"pixEnviadoDadosBancarios": true,
"estornoPixEnviado": true,
"pixDevolucaoEnviada": true,
"pixDevolucaoRecebida": true,
"tarifaPixEnviado": true,
"tarifaPixRecebido": true,
"estornoTarifaPixEnviado": true,
"saldoDiaAnterior": true,
"saldoDia": true,
"transferenciaEnviada": true,
"transferenciaRecebida": true,
"estornoTransferenciaEnviada": true,
"tarifaTransferenciaEnviada": true,
"estornoTarifaTransferenciaEnviada": true,
"estornoTarifaPixRecebido": true


The responses below represent Success(201) and consumption failures/errors.

"id": "3d0ca315-aff9–4fc2-be61–3b76b9a2d798",
"dataSolicitacao": "“2022-02-14T14:42:51.013Z",

Types of status returned in the body:

  • AGUARDANDO_PROCESSAMENTO: This status indicates that the extract request was successfully received and is queued awaiting processing to begin;
  • EM_PROCESSAMENTO: This status indicates that the file generation has started and is in the process of processing the data;
  • CONCLUIDO: This status indicates that a extract with the same parameters was previously requested and a file with the returned id is now available for download.

Best Practice

After making the POST request, the API has an average waiting time of 30 seconds to process the extract. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for this time before making the GET request.

Request Download Reconciliation Extract

Endpoint to request the download of the reconciliation extract.

GET /v2/gn/relatorios/:id
Requires authorization for the scope:


If you consume the GET endpoint and the extract not yet been processed, the response will be success(202), and the return will be similar to what is returned in the request, informing which processing step the request is in.

The responses below represent Success(200) and consumption failures/errors.
CA;Gerencianet;364;1;517613;João da Silva;2021-12-17;2021-12-10;Extrato de Conciliação API Pix;1.0

Return Details

For more information about the .CSV document that is returned and the legend of the fields, download the PDF available below or through this link.